St. Anne Church, Bucks Mills, Devon, England |
St. Anne Churchyard, Bucks Mills, Devon, England |
St. Anne Church, Bucks Mills, Devon, England |
Sacred to the Memory of Anna Maria, wife of Lewis Davey Of this parish, who departed this life 30th September 1870, aged 60 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Also of the above Lewis Davey who died April 28th 1900, aged 85 years. The Lord is my Shepherd. |
Loving Memory of Mary Ann, widow
of Robert Davey, who died April 22nd 1893, Aged 83 years. Also of Mary, widow of William Johns, who died November 14th 1874, Aged 84 years. |
Sacred to the Memory of Robert Davey
of this parish: Who departed this life on the 20th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1873, Aged 63 years. |
In Loving Memory of Martha Pennington of this parish who died February 19th 1888, Aged 53 years. |
These pictures were taken on a visit to St. Anne Church Cemetery on June 24, 2008.
St. Anne is located in Bucks Mills, Devon, England. The church was built in 1861 by the Elwes family, the former landowners, for the estate workers. The entries in our visitors' book bear good testament to our policy of leaving it open at all times. The church, which nestles in the valley leading down from the A39 to the sea, is constructed from local stone and the remains of the quarry is now the car park.
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