Phyllis MITCHELL [2572]
- Born: 1927
- Marriage (1): David MORRISON [2638]
- Died: 1966 at age 39
- Buried: 1966, Assiginack Township, Manitoulin, Ontario, Canada
FamilySearch ID: LZVV-XLK.
Noted events in her life were:
1. She was buried at the Hilly Grove Cemetery in Assiginack Township, Manitoulin, Ontario, Canada in 1966. Hilly Grove Cemetery Photos. (Hilly Grove Cemetery, 17282 Hwy 6, Assiginack, Ontario P0P 1N0, Canada.)
Phyllis married David MORRISON [2638] [MRIN: 4290], son of George MORRISON [2639] and Nellie WATSON [2640].